Putting the Children and Families of OH-01 First
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Meet Greg
A former public school teacher, Greg Landsman spent his career fighting for working families. Greg led the Preschool Promise initiative, which now provides two years of quality preschool for Cincinnati’s three and four year olds, and spent five years on Cincinnati City Council. Today, Greg is proud to represent Southwest Ohio in Congress, where he continues to champion what matters most to those at home: protecting our freedoms, lowering costs, and making it easier to raise a family.
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What local leaders are saying about Greg…
“We desperately need his kind of leadership in Washington, which is why I’m all in for Greg.”
— Cincinnati Mayor Aftab Pureval
“His leadership was critical to improving our transit system and rebuilding our infrastructure, and now families across Hamilton County are feeling the benefits.”
— Hamilton County Auditor Jessica Miranda
“He doesn't simply talk about making things better, he actually delivers and gets results. I'm proud to support him for Congress.”
— Cincinnati City Councilman Reggie Harris
“He brings people together and gets things done, from preschool to major City Hall reforms to re-establishing the Safe and Clean Fund.”
— Hamilton County Sheriff Charmaine McGuffey